Building Chaos Resilience: Essential Features for Your eCommerce Site

Jul 22, 2020 |

There are three simple features that will make your eCommerce site climb to the top of trusted online stores for consumers.

Earlier this year, Business Insider reported an expected decline of 10.5% in retail spend across the United States, with a further 14% decline in brick and mortar. However, the shift in purchasing behavior during 2020, is expected to report an 18% increase in US eCommerce revenue. Looking at these number based trends is imperative to staying ahead of the consumer and mitigating the exponentially accelerated changes of eCommerce nowadays. Today, we want to share with you three simple features that will get your site on the list of trusted stores consumers of 2020 are gravitating towards. 

Set up your check-out correctly. 

One of the most critical success factors in this new era is delivering an outstanding customer experience with your brand. For most sites, this boils down to their ability to take control of their purchase and trust that their transactions are safe. 

So make sure that your check out process is a safe and seamless experience for your customers, providing the necessary communication to ensure they are their trusted store. 

Enable self-service features

With social distancing measures still in place, most people have a hard time staying sane. Whether it’s the need to spend time outdoors or just finding a balance in a work from home routine, the extra time your customers have to spare should not be spent trying to contact you. 

Make sure that you enable communication that hand-holds your order fulfillment and makes sure that users have self-service touch points in every step of their journey with you.  From selecting products to add to their cart, to check out and package tracking, these will play into making sure your customer experience is in excellent shape, and even after lockdown you remain their top choice for purchase.  

Make sure to add Human Touch

With eCommerce revenue on the rise, there is more competition out there than ever before. A simple way to build a unique customer experience with your brand is to share your story with customers. 

Whether it be on your website, through a newsletter or social media post, it makes a big difference for clients to identify with the value proposition of your brand if you actually tell them what it is. In the wake of social distancing, having references to who you are and what you offer can go a long way in building trust with your brand. 

We hope that this time of crisis turns into a golden opportunity for your brand. If you are not sure how to enable these features for your site? Click here for a free consultation. At Resolve Digital we are committed to helping our clients create an outstanding and unique customer experience and we are happy to meet with you and  listen to the specific challenges your company is facing in this current climate. We hope you’ll consider working with us on  your eCommerce solution. 

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